Impress French recruiters: How to Leverage Your International Experience
What is Absolutely Talented ?
Absolutely Talented is a career fair organised by Absolutely French.
We're committed to the professional integration of expat partners in Paris.
Absolutely Talented - last edition
Expat Spouses
job offers
recruiting companies
Hear from some of our attendees about their experiences at our previous iterations of Absolutely Talented!
The Agenda
09h00 to 09h15 - Welcome
Introduction from our sponsor
Armelle Perben
Founder and CEO
Absolutely French - Absolutely Talented
Why are we here today ?
09h15 to 10h15 - Round Table
Why are expat partners of interest to recruiters?
PhD Candidate and Lecturer in Management
ICN Business School
10h15 to 12h15 - Meeting with recruiters & workshsops
10 Cultural Differences in Interview: Role plays and preparation tips.
Is your resume adapted to the French market? Cultural Differences
How to Market the Soft Skills you have Developed Whilst on Global Assignment.
Which Volunteering Opportunities will Enhance your CV? Develop new skills, and your network.
Working in France: Which contract suits you the best?
Using your Network to find Your Dream Job. Dare to contact people and get an interview!
Push yourself and make boldness a daily practice.
Last news
Expat Partners are Talented and Unique.
Absolutely What you Need.
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