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3 ideas to dynamize your resume video

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

The couple last years, candidates have become more and more creative with their resume: they have worked the design, the interactivity, and the form.

Video resume: what for?

First thing first, a video resume is a video from someone that is looking for a job, sending it to the company in order to promote his application. It is mostly framed at the upper body and can take many forms depending on your creativity!

Always remember that the recruiter wants to learn more about you!

The idea is to surprise the others in a good way. You have to bring your own universe in it by your clothes, the shot of the video or the video montage. Your recruiter or future one must feel the need to have you! Your profile is unique!

Few ideas to improve your resume video

If it is for a tv show or channel, you can put yourself on a tv news with the assets of the channel. Present yourself briefly and your personality. Recruiters will love if you know very well your future company by using their television references!

You can try an interview format or a presentation as the speaker.

If it is for a commercial or marketing job, you should try to show your skills by disguising yourself on a seller! Try to sell to the recruiter your profile! With a professional suit, convice people on why your profile is the best for this job.

If you want to work as an actor, the staging is really important. Show your different abilities by making a little play where you interact with yourself and your different personalities! It would show what you can do for your new job.

There is no limit on what you can do in a video resume!

It is becoming mandatory!

More and more compagnies are proposing to apply by video. And recruiters are tired to read resume with pre-made design. They want some originality. Providing a good resume video have more chance to get you a job interview!

And you? What do you think about this format? Will you use it?

Have you got an example of resume video that you want to show us? Feel free to contact us! Want to know more about job interview in France? Click here!

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