When you are recruiting interns, you are often appealed by big universities, business schools, and engineering schools in a resume. You know that this school is prestigious and the candidate will not disappoint.
But it is not always the case, and you might miss the perfect candidate for your job offer.
Business school: the right choice for recruiting interns?
Leaning towards business schools seems like the right choice when it comes to recruiting interns. They form commercial, sales, or managerial profiles really well.
Business schools demand their students to attend mandatory internships every year. You know a candidate from a business school will have strong marketing and managerial skills. You will not be disappointed by their professional experience.
The business school offers an extended network (and a closed one) like with HEC, or ESSEC... As we can see in this article of L'Étudiant, the Head of HR at Ferrero said: "The length of internships in business schools corresponds to the recruitment period of companies". Business schools will send their candidates when your company is searching for them.
But at what cost? Business schools cost a lot and some candidates are "paying" their diploma just by paying the school. There is a small possibility that you may not get the most hardworking candidate out of a business school.

University: a lot of different profiles to choose from!
When you think about the ideal candidate, you do not always prioritize university profiles unless you want a specific applicant! But within it, you have a lot of various profiles. Different backgrounds, social environments, work experiences... They might have unique ideas and visions about your company!
Usually, they had to fight to get their diploma. They had a part-time job while completing their studies. That is really challenging and shows a lot of commitment. These profiles are usually more adaptable and innovative.
However, university students lack is experience. Cabinet Hudson, the prestigious recruiting firm from Paris, said in L'Étudiant: "The final year internship alone lasts between 6 months and 1 year in business schools, compared to only 3 to 6 months in university".
University students are not in the best condition to finish their programs with a lot of experience. You may have to spend more time with them, despite their adaptability, in order to integrate them fully into the workplace.

Where should you be recruiting interns: Business school or university?
If you can: recruit interns of each profile. Diversity is key! But if you need to choose only one, it depends on what you need.
If you prioritize work experience and want someone that already knows what they will do before coming to your company, choose the business profile. The business school student will adapt to your company and will know the ins and outs really fast. They will be efficient right from the start and they are formed to notice certain issues while having the solutions to fix them.
Whereas, if you want brand new ideas and vision for your firm, the university profile might be ideal. With a strong theoretical formation, you could think that they will have more difficulties but they are more adaptable to difficult situations! The university student has a strong work ethic and they will give their best to progress in their understanding.
Which profiles did you recruit and why?
From which schools, universities?
Your opinion interests us!
Here is another article on why you should recruit an atypical profile.
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